Making Proposition 64 Marijuana Conviction Relief Automatic

A Community Resource Guide

This free Community Resource Guide provides resources and information to get involved and help spread the word about automatic marijuana conviction relief in California.

District attorneys must speedily review and motion the court to automatically dismiss, dismiss and seal, or reduce all eligible marijuana-related convictions by July 1, 2020, without requiring an individual to file a petition. Code for America developed technology and an Implementation Blueprint to equip district attorneys with the tools and information to review tens of thousands of convictions within seconds.

This Community Resource Guide includes ways to: 

  1. Talk to your county’s district attorney about using Clear My Record software and Implementation Blueprint to implement automatic marijuana conviction relief and meet the July 2020 deadline
  2. Spread the word about Clear My Record software and our Implementation Blueprint on social media
  3. Share information with people in your community about how their marijuana convictions may be automatically cleared
  4. Use provided flyers to help spread the word about automatic marijuana conviction relief